Saturday, February 21, 2009
Love for our country, Malaysia?
As we all can see, our beloved country, Malaysia have changed a lot since the day we claimed our freedom, independence. But I don’t think we have achieve anything since the new leader (the 1 u know who) take over from Dr.M..or maybe this is only from my point of view. On second thought, oh yes we did achived something..instability in politic, increases inflation,etc..etc..owh, pardon me I forgot that we did send our very own astronaut to the space and eat ‘rendang’ there. Errr..what IS his main goal there actually? To do research which Russian astronaut have done years back? Or to prove ‘Malaysia Boleh’?
Personally, my first impression when the new BN president becomes the prime minister, I thought Malaysia going to prosper. He’s a religious man, very innocent looking, very clean..i didn’t see the monster beneath..and I think Dr.M also didn’t see it coming. Some people would say he’s good, even the opposition party (PKR, etc.etc) agreed with him. Please, look at the bigger picture. They agreed with him only because they know he’s not strong & they don’t need to be worry of him. And he indeed will make it easier for them to achieve their torn down the government. As Dr.M said in his blog, a good leader wont be supported by the opposition..he’ll be criticize all the time. I agreed..u can see the prove from the previous election. The opposition won not because they’re good at what they’re doing, its because of weakness from the other side.
Politic is not my interest..but I do care where we, Malaysian, are heading to? “wawasan 2020”? I personally have no idea..and I don’t think any of our leader does as well. Sad isn’t?
I respect he managed to changed the world view of Malaysia, eyes opening. We did build the tallest building in the world (even we only managed to hold the record for a very short time), we have our own F1 track, and etc.etc..on the other hand, what kind of achievement or at future least plan have we seen from our leaders? More tender given to ‘family members’? Higher inflation rate? More bribing? I surely think we are the 1 who decide where our country heading..we, the future leaders.
The main question is ‘how’ can we change these situation? Build the ‘future’ (which we didn’t even see right now)? Frankly, I also don’t know. I would suggest we build another party ‘pakatan’ consist of every race we have in Malaysia. Find the real leader who doesn’t have their own agenda. The one who really care & love our there anyone like that? I don’t know, but I surely hope this person does exist.
The end
Saturday, February 14, 2009
owh..come on!

"oh, she doesn't move around, she just sit there"..."she didn't clean the machines, it's dirty"...
come am i suppost to move around when the gym itself is just two master bedroom size packed with machines (u know how big?) & of course people? and do i have to clean the machines everytime someone used it? come on...!!!
these people sometimes are just love to push people around them..they like to give instruction & love others to obbey them..frankly speaking i'll say "go to hell bitches!!" hahaaa...come on now..ur paying me an amount which i can easily get doubled live with it!! if they can pay me double then only i'll treat every each of them like they buy personal training from me..ahakz! ur paying an amount for some1 without any qualification & expect some1 with cert to do it? Come on...!!
Plus how do u expect me or anybody to talk to u when ur face is like monkey didnt get "pisang"? stupidity doesn't increases as u gets older aite? so,maybe they inherited it..genetically stupid,hehee..well, this what i'm gonna do. i'll find that bitch or bitches & i'll make they feel guilty...hurm..we'll c who will fall down n die.....i mean, COME oN!!
Saturday, February 7, 2009
for Awien n Daud

Do you hear me,I'm talking to you
I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend
They don't know how long it takes
I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend
And so I'm sailing through the sea
I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Ooohh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
friends Or enemy?
Most of my friends during that time are just normal girl with no side income and Pa&Ma supporting us for studies. Of course the money were never enough..our pocket were almost at all time empty but still we’ll laugh at it and at every silly thing we can think of..hurm, we shared almost everything even a plate of rice. But that was those days…nowadays; all I can see is hatred which I can’t imagine where it could come from.
Once in a while I would ask Awien, what really happened to us all? And she would make me laugh as we would have before. I surely & definitely didn’t have any idea what happened between us back there, but I’m sure if we can talk through it we can solve everything..but that just me. I can’t do this on my own..only if u guys can open up and talk..only if….
I had know a few of them for years back during school time but still it’s like friendship meant nothing to them. Maybe the friendships were never there, so nothing is missing for them. Maybe… or maybe it’s just jealousy.
All I know, I’m happy with my life now. With Awien on my side & sometimes Pja..hahaa..i don’t mind as long as these two people (and my Bosh) are right by my side. I just wish someday those people can look back & use their rational brain and see how much they have lost….
Friday, February 6, 2009
a story to share... first when she told me everything, i'm just inchies from blowing up (because of anger) but it all vanished as soon as i realized how relax she looked. she just smile eventhough you can actually see in her eyes that she's dissappointed,heart broken,lonely...if i am the 1 in her shoe, i think her hubby will be 6feet underground already..sigh**
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
organ donation...
Have u heard of organ donation? im very sure most of us have but not many of us take any action right..and most of us didnt even bother. some of us believe if we're muslim we cant donate our organ which is very not true..and maybe until one day we're the one who needed a donor then we'll take this seriously.just maybe..but till then...
here i included a few most common question on organ donation:
- Q: Who can be a donor?A: Anyone can sign up. If you are below 18, you will need parental/guardian consent.
- Q: What is organ donation?A: It is the gift of one’s body parts after death for transplantation. Transplantation is an operation which replaces diseased and defective organs and tissues with healthy ones from donors.
- Q: What are the organs and tissues that can be donated?A: Kidneys, heart, liver, lungs and pancreas are the organs that can be donated, and the tissues are eyes, bone, skin and heart valves.
- Q: When are the organs and tissues removed?A: When death has been confirmed by two registered doctors. The doctors involved with certification of death are not involved in the transplant operation.
- Q: Will my hospital treatment be affected if they know that I am a donor?A: Absolutely not. Doctors will undertake every known measure to save your life right till the end.
- Q: What about religious objections?A: Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism and Sikhism recognise organ and tissue donation as the ultimate act of charity and benevolence.
- Q: What if I change my mind?A: If at any point you decide against donating your organs and tissues, inform your family and return your donor card.
- Q: Will organ donation delay funeral arrangements?A: Not at all. Following the removal of the organs and tissues, the body will be cleaned, draped and returned to the family within the shortest possible time.
- Q: How can I become a donor?A: Complete a donor pledge form and forward it to the National Transplant Resource Centre. You will receive a registration card from the centre. (Inform your family that you are an organ and tissue donor).
organ donation will help another person to live a better live as we wont really need the organ when we die, right? so why not donate it, anyway its only something God borrow us..keeping it doesnt bring anything good..sigh..not every body will think this way. the negative thing is a part of every positif accept it.
Well i'm not the right person to talk on this issue, but i'm sure that i should at least give my opinion on it. a few month back i've done some discussion with my bos & i've decided to sign in as organ donor..i've done my part, how bout u?
the form :
or u can contact the National Transplant Resource Centre, Kuala Lumpur Hospital, at tel: 03-9260066, 03-2942704 or 03-2942756.
weekly Ritual
eventually, after my slow ride home i've decided to do "Reading Ritual" every saturday nite. nice huh? at least i'm improving my english..hahaa..(see teacher,i'm a good student).
so, for my so called "Reading Ritual" this week i gotta go find a new book.obviously i'm not gonna read the same book again..daa! on second thought i should start next week lar right..i dont have time to go buy books right saturday night go buy books first then next week i'll start my "RR" lar..hehee..
the typical me..ahakz!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
hola Dunia..
im practising my english here,if not its gonna get worst..ahakz! sigh...
so..what happen these days to the World..what i would say is, we dont have enough LOVE baby..hahaa..true isnt? well, easy to say but harder to do..
for example..everyday on my way to work i have to stay calm on the road..easy to say.
enough said..