Saturday, February 21, 2009

Love for our country, Malaysia?

Been a while since my last post..and this week I’ve spend most of my time reading Tun Mahathir blog. Some people said he’s already ‘nyanyuk’ but for me he’s very sane. Very sane than most of our country leaders these days..agree?

As we all can see, our beloved country, Malaysia have changed a lot
since the day we claimed our freedom, independence. But I don’t think we have achieve anything since the new leader (the 1 u know who) take over from Dr.M..or maybe this is only from my point of view. On second thought, oh yes we did achived something..instability in politic, increases inflation,etc..etc..owh, pardon me I forgot that we did send our very own astronaut to the space and eat ‘rendang’ there. Errr..what IS his main goal there actually? To do research which Russian astronaut have done years back? Or to prove ‘Malaysia Boleh’?

Personally, my first impression when the new BN president becomes the prime minister, I thought Malaysia going to prosper. He’s a religious man, very innocent looking, very clean..i didn’t see the monster beneath..and I think Dr.M also didn’t see it coming. Some people would say he’s good, even the opposition party (PKR, etc.etc) agreed with him. Please, look at the bigger picture. They agreed with him only because they know he’s not strong & they don’t need to be worry of him. And he indeed will make it easier for them to achieve their torn down the government. As Dr.M said in his blog, a good leader wont be supported by the opposition..he’ll be criticize all the time. I agreed..u can see the prove from the previous election. The opposition won not because they’re good at what they’re doing, its because of weakness from the other side.

Politic is not my interest..but I do care where we, Malaysian, are heading to? “wawasan 2020”? I personally have no idea..and I don’t think any of our leader does as well. Sad isn’t?
I respect he managed to changed the world view of Malaysia, eyes opening. We did build the tallest building in the world (even we only managed to hold the record for a very short time), we have our own F1 track, and etc.etc..on the other hand, what kind of achievement or at future least plan have we seen from our leaders? More tender given to ‘family members’? Higher inflation rate? More bribing? I surely think we are the 1 who decide where our country heading..we, the future leaders.

The main question is ‘how’ can we change these situation? Build the ‘future’ (which we didn’t even see right now)? Frankly, I also don’t know. I would suggest we build another party ‘pakatan’ consist of every race we have in Malaysia. Find the real leader who doesn’t have their own agenda. The one who really care & love our there anyone like that? I don’t know, but I surely hope this person does exist.

The end

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